Sunday 23 January 2011

Section 2: Jaws Analysis

Narrative structure:
  • Calm relaxed teenage beach party and then a boy and a girl run off own the beach together to go swimming. The man is to drunk and passes out on the beach but the girl has already gone swimming, then she gets attacked by an unknown source and she gets killed
Codes and conventions:
  •  Music that creates suspense, then goes quiet like there is something wrong
  • death scene
  • sometimes sound suspense before death scene
  • dark or dim lighting to create the mood for the audience
  • anticlimax
  • Transformed city-  calm quiet place that gets turned upside down by a shark attack
  • Partial vision- we assume that it is a shark without seeing it because of the film title
  • question answer model- we assume that she will be attacked by a shark

  • First person perspective of what the shark would see underwater allows the audience to see what is more than likely going to happen to the girl in the water
  • close up of girl during the death scene, shows the look of horror and the pain on her face to make it seem more realistic to the audience
  • shot reverse shot when the boy and the girl are looking at each other on the beach
  • long shot of the girl in the see and it shows how vulnerable she has become and now the audience can suggest that she id going to die
Mise en scene:
  • dim lighting on beach which creates a relaxed feeling and links closely to the relaxed beach party atmosphere
  • calm water when the girl dissapeard under the water
  •  setting is at the beach
  • regular young people clothing baggy fashionable for the era
  • lighting goes darker when the boy n girl run off together down the beach suggests their heading for danger
  • diegetic- water, and waves connects with the setting of the beach, also there are the screams of the girl when she is being attacked and this i vital for creating fear within the audience
  • non diegetic- classic jaws theme, also the music creates alot of tension towards the impending doom that the girl is heading towards

  • White text stands out on the black background in the opening credits, also it is in bold font just to make it stand out a little bit more.

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