Section 2: Red Eye Analysis
Narrative structure:
- A young woman is travelling on a plane to an unkown detination to the audience and whilst she is away the hotel that she manages is being taken care of by her assistant.
Codes and conventions:
- transformed city- the area that is in the clip seems to be a normal everyday working environment and because of the genre of the film the audience is mad aware that it will more than likely change
- close ups of the two women characters faces to show the differences in their levels of calmness and how professional they are
Mise en scene:
- Girl behind desks actions and expressions showed the audience that she was nervous
- girl in car was very calm and expressed her role as a hotel manager by being calm an showed the audience what her character is like
- Father was persuasive over the phone to his daughter showed that he has control as a parent
- both the women were dressed in suits which shows that they are business women
- old couple were wearing classy old fashioned clothes which is a reflection of their age
- dad was dressed in comfortable clothing which is a reflection of his homely setting
- the settings were a hotel, airport, taxi and a house and this all came together to be linked because of the phone calls that were happening on screen
- the house lighting was very soft and calm which showed that the audience that tis is a comfortable setting
- Diegetic- car, airport background noise
- Non diegetic- music in opening was like all thriller music dark and ominous and suggests that there was some deceptive acts taking place on screen
- white text against a black background to make them stand out to the audience
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